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2 x 5L
8 x 1L
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Washroom Cleaner

A concentrated, acidic liquid, C3 can be used for cleaning and descaling general washroom surfaces.
C3 contains safe citric acid to clean, C3 cleans and removes limescale and organic deposits in one operation.
C3 is safe for use on porcelain, stainless steel, chrome, ceramic and tiled surfaces.
Use C3 to clean and disinfect toilets, urinals, sinks, baths, showers, tiles and washroom floors.
Do NOT use on acid sensitive surfaces such as marble and terazzo.
Recommended for use on:
Method of use:
Pictogram training guides:
English Training Aid Latvian Training Aid
Welsh Training Aid Spanish Training Aid
French Training Aid Polish Training Aid
German Training Aid Portuguese Training Aid
Dutch Training Aid Lithuanian Training Aid
Romanian Training Aid
Also in this range
Interior Cleaner
Floor Cleaner
Cleaner / Degreaser
Odourless Sanitiser



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